I have occasionally given out gifts to different people at different occasions. For the physical gifts category, I can say I have given books the most. And of the books (hard copies) I have gifted the most, one stands out “How To Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.
For a longtime, I did not understand why I always had to mostly give out books as gifts until now. Is it a psychological matter? I read somewhere that people normally give out gifts they wish they received themselves from others. Is it true? That I love reading books is no secret. Could it be that out of my love for reading I try to project this desire onto my gift receivers? Is it that I wish others gifted me only books as well?
Why do I sub-consciously prefer to give giver-centric gifts instead of recipient-centric gifts? Wouldn’t it be simpler to ask the recipient what they would like? Or this is not appealing?
Well, I have mostly found myself sharing gifts (mostly books) that reflect my own self. I am comforted by the thought that by doing so, I am also somehow sharing a slice of myself with the recipient.
It is not easy to choose a gift that accurately reflects the recipient’s true self, but then I have got to try.
What are your thoughts?