To attract opportunities, you have to say yes to every possible client.
Say yes to low fees for your services, at least to gain some experience and network.
Say yes to seminars.
Say yes to conferences.
Say yes to low paying gigs.
We do a great disservice to ourselves when we shut out opportunities, just because we assume we would not be interested in them.
I do web design but I did not set out to be a web designer when I started.
I started by creating a site to sell high school and primary school papers (PDFs & DOCs).
Six months later, a guy wanted me to create a company website for his contracting firm.
I said yes and I was willing to accept any payment from him.
He paid Ksh.15, 000.
Two months later, I created one more site for this guy even for a much lower fee.
So these two sites formed my 1st Portfolio.
Early on in my career as an electrical designer, I could accept to do any design work almost for nothing.
This helped me gain experience and got to know more Architects and other professionals.
It is time for you to start saying yes.
Even if it is just a meek yes.
Even if it is just a “let’s see where this goes” yes.
You never know what opportunities are passing you by – so grab them when they come your way and see where they take you.
With time, the opportunities will be many. They will overwhelm you and now you will have the power to say no.
Now I can say no to some opportunities.
I am no longer a yes yes person. But I am still open to opportunities.
With such a power, I can echo what Derek Sivers says, “Whatever excites you, go do it. Whatever drains you, stop doing it.”
Until then, just get out there. Almost anywhere. Get in opportunity’s way. Let it hit you.”