It is considerate to greet someone with a smile.

It is super considerate to not smile until they’ve said something,

As they can feel the smile was sincerely for them,

Not just a façade presentation to just anyone.


It is considerate to not bore my friends with my problems,

It is super considerate to tell them my problems,

To let them feel needed and helpful,

To let them know they’re safe to do the same.


It is considerate to tell a white lie,

It is super considerate to tell the uncomfortable truth,

To let the facts speak on their own,

And to live with the consequences.


It is considerate to speak your mind in conversations,

It is super considerate to be silent in conversations,

And let your friend fill the space and share more,

Without constant interruptions and interjections.



Being superficially considerate can be deeply inconsiderate.