“O powerful goodness! Bountiful Father! Merciful Guide! Increase in me that wisdom which discovers my truest interest. Strengthen my resolution to perform what that wisdom dictates. Accept my kind offices to thy other children as the only return in my power for thy continual favours to me. ”
What a year, what a ride!
I have now managed to stay alive for three decades, i.e, thirty revolutions around the sun. Yesterday was an exciting day for me as I woke up freshly and alert. I spend yesterday at my ‘official’ place of work, i.e Technical University of Kenya (TUK), enjoyed teaching my current class and interacting with my colleagues at the Electrical department. This is also my first work anniversary at TUK, & one year after leaving Edson Engineers. Thoughts on other years:29,28.
Last year was one of my busiest years ever. Was quite busy with work (teaching, consulting), writing and working on my thesis (which I have practically finished). I read 31 books as compared to 50 books I had read the previous year. It was also the year I traveled the most. To be precise, four different countries; Uganda, Jubaland (Somalia), India, and South Africa. I thoroughly enjoyed my visits to these countries. I wrote about the India & South Africa experience. I’m writing on my Uganda and Somali experiences.
I feel that I have grown closer to my loved ones and friends. I am still trying to figure some balance with work, exercise, eating, reading that will give me joy and energy.
I am ready to take on the years of my life that start with 3 and hopefully have the biggest impact than I ever had. 20s was a decade when I failed a lot, tried a lot and learned to have priorities in life.
Even as I start my 30’s, I am still finding myself and aim to chart my own paths and give my gifts to the world, and echo Friedrich Nietzsche’s call, that,
“No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life. There may be countless trails and bridges and demigods who would gladly carry you across; but only at the price of pawning and forgoing yourself. There is one path in the world that none can walk but you. Where does it lead? Don’t ask, walk!”
Few thoughts on the following.
I am still trying to improve on my sleep. I find it hard to have a consistent sleeping time. As long as I can sleep at least 7 hours a night, I am okay though.
I still take two meals a day and I am okay with it though some friends insist it is time I changed my ways.
I have been healthy as far as I can tell (and some fellows tell me I look shiny and jovial compared to previous years). My secret? I don’t know. What I know is I attend church regularly and eat (or drink?) honey (literally, honey) daily. No caffeine, no meat.
I strive to read on a daily basis. My focus is now more on business, marketing, psychology, philosophy related books. I have become a fan of Soren Kierkegaard. For a list of the best books I have read in the last 4 years, click these: 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015.
Now winding up with MSc thesis write up and hope to defend it within the next two months. And hopefully register for the final step on this journey of formal learning.
Improved on my PHP programming, will still focus on this in the next few months.
I make it a point to write on topics that interest me regardless of whether I am an expert or not in that area. I discovered that I learn more when I write. If I want to learn about anything, I write about it first. Been developing some two books and hope to finish them probably within the next two or three years.
I still record most of my thoughts on A6 notebooks I carry around wherever I go. I really enjoy writing my thoughts down.
Balancing this with other responsibilities is heavy. So my businesses (or hustles) have suffered a lot as I have focused my efforts elsewhere. I can’t complain though. I have come to enjoy teaching and research work too.
I have improved somehow on reaching out to friends and family. And especially my grandma(got to build for her as well). I have generally thrived in solitude since the beginning of time but have started to open up. So, I can say I have made more friends last year than the previous year.
Didn’t know why I was screwing up my past relationships, but a certain book called Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples by Harville Hendrix really opened my eyes. Another surprising book that challenged my view of relationships is The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker.
Regarding the elephant in the room, I can say;
I once had a girl
Or should I say she once had me?
I hope to be more intentional and natural. I won’t trust blind chance or randomness anymore.
Single and searching, with no pressure though.
Thank you all for being part of my life, and especially for those who take time to say hi. I am fortunate to have you as friends.
Here will I hold. If there’s a power above us
(And that there is all nature cries aloud
Through all her works), he must delight in virtue;
And that which he delights in must be happy.

you are such an inspiring person Eng.Ben.Time and again i find myself having so much intrest on your facebook posts as well as your articles like this one and for sure i have benefited from the same.Keep moving and all the best as you turn a year older
Thank you Peter.
Happy 30! The golden age is still before you, and not behind you! Cheers! God speed you in all things!
P.S, I love the post, plus your style of writing.
Thank you, Nina.
You encourage me.Happy birthday
Thank you Diana.
Happy birthday engineer, Getty P had a formula for success, wake up early, work hard, strike oil.
Very inspiring;from your the above article it is crustal clear that you very passionate about the things you do daily….You seem busy with your daily schedules but you got time to inspire others;surely I wish you alll the best in all your endevours
Thank you
Happy birthday engineer, Getty P had a formula for success, wake up early, work hard, strike oil.
Thank you.